Sunday, May 20, 2012

NATO Media Tour with Mr. Brown of ACTION NOW in Englewood with Journalists

Community Activist/Retired Police Officer Mr. Brown, (ACTION NOW)  grew up in the Englewood Community and has seen the devastation that the community is currently experiencing.  For over 43 years he has seen how the lost of jobs, families losing homes due to foreclosure and the ever growing drug traffic has decreased the value of this community.

He explains to Journalists during the NATO Media Tour provide by  that if Mayor Rahm Emanuel would spend a mere few thousand dollars to help this community it would make a huge difference.

The 14 million this administration is currently spending on NATO to bring world leaders together
 (sources say $14 Million for parties, hosting, etc!) could bring families together by giving them jobs, getting their homes back, making the community safe for the children to go to school.  He goes on to say that "The plan is to expand the Dan Ryan through this community and displace even more families.  This is system and has been in the workings for a very long time.  Unless we continue the fight, they will win this war."

What is NATO? The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, is a political-military alliance made up of 28 member countries, including the United States.  (

The real problem with NATO is that it doesn't include what people of the community need, it only the leaders who make decisions.   These decisions are made on the backbone of everyday citizens, hard working people who support this country by being good tax paying citizens, but are constantly ignored by the powers that be, Corporate Greed!

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