Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 empowerment seminar

Upgrade Your Life 2011!

January 3rd

10am - 2pm

American InterContinental University

130 S. Franklin St. Chicago

FREE! Open to public!

U-p-g-r-a-d-e Your Life!
(Like you do your cell phone)

We pay more attention to our electronic gadgets in our lives
than we do to the people, places and things that keep us stuck!

What issue needs to be resolved in your life?
Relationships, Finances,Under-Employment, Spirituality?

Whatever your challenge is, it is something that can be resolved
or at least get a handle on. This session allows you to examine the
possibilities of MOVING FORWARD and Upgrading Your Life
so that you can begin to experience life on a more joyful level!

Higher Learning Network,NFP offers proven methods and techniques
that will assist you in the process. The best part: it's FREE!

Your facilitator will be Shelomith Yisrael aka Zelda Robinson,
Intl. Speaker/Trainer/Author/Media Consultant.
You may know her from radio/tv/print (WJPC, WNUA, V103, WGCI, Gospel Radio 1390AM, CLTV Traffic, NOIR Woman News,
Higher Learning Network TV Show, etc.)

She's spoken around the world, and now she'll be training right here in Chicago!

Reserve your space for the

January. 3rd - 10am-2pm
Life Changing Session at

American Intercontinental University
130 S. Franklin St.,

Chicago! USA

You can come and be a part of this

ground breaking, life changing
session at the beginning,

or come on your lunch hour!

You will be welcomed!

Bring a friend and receive a gift!
Limit to first 40 registrations!

Raffle! Prizes! Free Tickets!

DVD's, CD's and more!
The only thing you need to bring is:
1. You
2. Pen/Paper
3. Open Mind!


Looking forward to the possibilities!
2011 is your year of leaven!




CREATE Your Own Job!

Using Your Natural God Given Gifts, Talents & Abilities!



Chicago - Sundays @ Midnight Channel 19

Wisconsin - Minnesota Channel 7

**Sundays Midnight Ch. 19 Chicago**

Sunday, December 19, 2010

electronic pick pockets


The season of giving and TAKING is here!
Electronic Pick Pocketing is the new technology that will leave you and
your credit card with a balance you cannot afford to pay!

Be sure and check out this video and share it with everyone you know!
Happy Holidays!,0,5636726,full.story

(Copy and paste in new window if it doesn't work when you click on it!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

higher learning 2011

Yes, it's ready! I know it's been a minute, but you can't rush God's work!
I've been working on other projects, but couldn't let the year end without
granting your wish! So here's N'Spirational Conversations (365 Days of Empowerment)
24/7 365! Make Great Gift year round!

Who reads N'Spirational Conversations?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I love cake, but I don't want to die from eating it..

Check your mixes for expiration dates!

Cake Mixes & Toxins- **PLEASE READ** Pass this on to ALL in your address book. You never know whose life you may save by doing so. For those of you at work, PLEASE remember to check your cupboards when you get home tonight!!!

This is confirmed on Snopes

A student at HBHS (high school) had pancakes this week and it almost became fatal. His Mom (registered nurse) made him pancakes, dropped him off at school and headed to play tennis. She never takes her cell phone on the court but did this time and her son called to say he was having trouble breathing. She told him to go to the nurse immediately and proceeded to call school and alert the nurse. The nurse called the paramedics and they were there in 3 minutes and worked on the boy all the way to the hospital. He came so close to dying. Evidently this is more common then I ever knew. Check the expiration dates on packages like pancakes and cake mixes that have yeast which over time develop spores. Apparently, the mold that forms in old mixes can be toxic! Throw away ALL OUTDATED pancake mix, brownie mixes, Bisquick, cake & cookie mixes, etc., you have in your home.

P.S. Tell this to your children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and anyone else who keeps these types of mixes in the cupboard.

If you love someone tell them,

The Stellar Student Campaign

Deborah Brown of NBC-5 Presents: The Stellar Student Campaign

We are launching a campaign called Stellar Students.

Please send me a photo and descriptive paragraph on your kids/relatives/friends/friends kids,
who are doing great things in school, home, church, athletics and/or in their communities.
List any and all accomplishments, awards and honors.

Email it to me as soon as possible at:


All of the above should be in the body of your paragraph.

BTW- there is no limit on the number of Stellar Students you recommend.
The only requirement is that they be "Stellar"...

Thanks so much.
Yours in the spirit of community,

Deb Deborah Olivia Brown
Director of Station Relations NBC5 Chicago
454 N. Columbus Drive Chicago, IL 60611
312-836-5611 o
312-520-5627 c
312-527-9072 f

Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday

Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday Starts Friday
List of Eligible Items Available to Help with Shopping List

With the first statewide back-to-school sales tax holiday starting his Friday, August 6
and running through Sunday, August 15, the Illinois Department of Revenue is
reminding families to plan on shopping for the new clothes and school supplies
their children need to get a good start at school this year. A list of items qualifying
for the five percent sales tax break is available at and can be
downloaded or printed from any computer and used to help plan necessary
back-to-school purchases.

Parents and guardians looking forward to sending their children back to school should
welcome the sales tax holiday. This is the equivalent of a five percent discount on the
must-have items for the first day of school,” said Brian Hamer, Director,
Illinois Department of Revenue.

Retailers across the state have announced plans to open their stores early to kick-off the
sales tax holiday and are offering additional discounts on items required or desired for
back-to-school. In addition to those items needed immediately, families should consider
stocking up on basic supplies that will be necessary for the balance of the school year.

Virtually all items required by classroom teachers, including paper, binders, pens, pencils,
crayons, rulers, erasers, chalk, tape, paste and glue, will be eligible for the reduced sales
tax rate. Other eligible items for reduced taxes include clothing that costs less than $100
per item, including shoes, outerwear, uniforms, gloves, hats and mittens.

During the ten-day sales tax holiday, the 5% portion of sales taxes collected at retail registers
will be waived. Sales taxes collected on behalf of local governments will continue to be collected.
The tax holiday runs about a week longer than those in Iowa and Missouri which traditionally
occur during the first weekend in August. This provides Illinois families more time to select
and purchase the items their children need for back-to-school.

Families in Illinois spend between $800 million and $1.2 billion on back-to-school gear for
their children. The five percent sales tax holiday will save them between $40 and $60 million
in tax payments.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Higher Learning Network,NFP Intern of the Year 2010 Kathryn Jordan

Higher Learning Network,NFP proudly announces the Student of the Year!
Kathryn Todd- Studying Marine Biology in the Bahamas!

Kathryn Todd Intern of the Year for Higher Learning Network,NFP

Age 16, Junior at Daniel Hale Williams Prepartory School of Medicine

Her accomplishments are too many to name, but here are a few!
1.Won week long scholarship in the Bahamas for Marine Biolology!
2. Tutors other students
3. Olar Scholarship for being in Top 10% of Class
4.Future Doctors of America Class
5. Young Scientist Training at University of Chicago
6. Recieved Silver Medal for City Wide Science Fair for 3 years straight!
7. Shed Aquarium Marine Biology Program where she beat 40 other students!
8. Student on Recruitment Committee for new students
9 Completes all tasks, goes beyond the call of duty for any assignment given.
10. Very sweet and loving young lady!

I truly wish she was my daughter!
Thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Todd for allowing her to intern with us this year!
So looking forward to the future!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

A store that offers fathers for those who don’t have them has just opened in Chicago,
where anyone of the female species may go to choose a father.

Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:

WELCOME TO THE Father Store!!

You may visit the store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights.
There is, however, a catch... ! You may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

Happy Shopping!!!!

A woman goes to the Father Store to find a father
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1: These fathers have children and take care of them.
If you’re looking for a man who loves children, this is a good choice.

The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2: These fathers have children, but are not with the mother, who has the children,
but he still takes care of them. This is a good choice also.

The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3: These fathers are single parent fathers, and looking for a woman with children to make blended family. Great choice!

"Wow," she says, these are great choices, but I don’t want to stop here, there may be something better! She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:

Floor 4: These men are fathers with no children and looking for women with no children.
They are very good looking, sensitive and patient.

"Oh, My God!" she says to herself, "I can’t do this alone! I need help!
Too many good choices. Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:

Floor 5: These fathers look like Denzel, Samuel L. Jackson and
Richard Gere all rolled up into one.
They are simply drop-dead fine, love to help with the housework, homework
and massaging your feet!
Did I mention they are all very romantic?
They love to give flowers, write love letters, work long hard hours just to give
you and the kids everything you need and desire.

A woman never satisfied, she has to try the last floor because if it gets better than this,
she has to know about it.

After she reaches the last floor, the sixth floor, the sign reads:

Floor 6:
You are visitor 20, 130, 214 to this floor.

There are NO fathers on this floor.
They are all on the first five levels.
This floor exists solely as proof that most women think they know what they want,
but maybe not really sure due to what eveyone tells us what we want, desire,
deserve, etc. We really don’t know what we want,
thereby making it hard to please a woman with or without children.

So please be very grateful for the father in your life!
At least he’s there and you don’t have to go looking for him.
And if you do have to go looking for him, you probably know where he is.
If you can’t find him, spend some time with yourself, so when the right man/father/father figure shows up in your life, you can appreciate him on whatever level he’s on.

Thank you for shopping at the Father Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a Faith Filled Fantastic day! Please send this to everyone you know for a good laugh and to all the women who can handle the truth! If you see a community of fathers, give thanks for it! We can’t do it alone, so let’s stop pretending we can. We all need MALE energy to balance out FEMALE energy! He’s the yin, we carry the yang!
Stay on purpose,
stay empowered!
Stay tuned to MEN on Higher Learning, Ch. 19 Chicago.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Create Your Own Job Using The Internet!

Special Thanks to Blog Professor Sy Bounds of HLN for our first How To Create Your Own Job Using the Internet! I love all the information he shared and so looking forward to our first TV Taping this Wed. May 12th where we can learn a whole lot more!!!!!! I already knew a lot, but I realized just how much I didn't know! Thank God there's people like Sy Bounds who don't mind sharing. As long as there's an audience, Sy will Share. So don't miss out! Be sure and RSVP! Limited Seating! FIRST COME! FIRST SERVE! RSVP NOW

Monday, April 26, 2010

BEEP Building Partnerships

BEEP (Building Employment & Entrepreneurial Partnerships!

It all took place this weekend at the Kelly WMCA 842 N. Hamlin Ave,
on Chicago's West Side

Master Blogger/Technology Professor Sy Bounds brought the community
together sharing his expertise on
How To Make Money on the Internet Using GOOGLE!
How powerful is that?

With unemployment at an all time high, those who attened got the best of both worlds, employment and entrepreneurship

HLN will be taping filming another session for those who missed this one on

Wed. May 12th, 6-9pm


you will NOT BE ADMITTED without a PRINTED Confirmation. Parking is free!
Email us for location!

In the meantime, here's a few photos and a video segment.
Be sure and check out the other blog:

Until next time, stay on purpose, stay empowered!
Stay tuned to HLN TV Show, Sundays Midnight on Ch. 19 Comcast!

photo 1 Intern Adian with Videographer Tony Hogues at Higher Learning Network,NFP Table

photo 2 Audience getting the scoop from the pros!

photo3 Jim Tea Manufacturer

photo 4 Videographer Tony Hogues capturing it all!

video Jim Tea Manufacturer and Sy Bounds

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Black Star Project Making Life Better....

in the community!

Special thanks to all those who came out and made it possible to
provide a future for our youth.

May came to find a place to volunteer their services for youth mentoring.
Higher Learning Network,NFP was right there, with an invitation from
Phillip Jackson, Founder of BLACK STAR PROJECT!

Everyone can make a difference!
We must stop complaining and start getting involved.

Special thanks to film maker of the film

who share with us 101 ways young men need to know from
their fathers, uncles, brothers, grandfathers, etc.

Black Star Project Founder Phillip Jackson and Higher Learning Network,NFP Zelda Robinson (CLTV)

Coming together to make a difference in the community to save our youth!

Community residents gathering information and finding organizations to
volunteer with to help keep our children off the streets and alive!

Everyone can volunteer at least one hour a week to help the community
and give us all a future we can look forward to.

You can volunteer with the Higher Learning Network,NF
which teaches youth self empowerment via behind-the-scenes
radio/tv/print production.

MEN on a mission

Mr. Holt of Holt Foundation, Father of Slain Youth Blair Holt
Tony Hogues, Host of MEN on Higher Learning and
Father Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina

Sunday, April 11, 2010

higher learning on the highway

An N'Spirational Conversations Reader shared this one with me.
Not to make light of others, just awareness.
Higher Learning is not always pleasant.
Food for thought!

Photo 1 Japanese School Bus
Photo 2 Inside Bus
Photo 3 with students

Photo 4 Indian School Bus with students

Now, which country do we get when
we call with a technical problem with
our computer?

What’s wrong with this


Now, which country do we get when
we call with a technical problem with
our computer?

What’s wrong with this

Why is there so much disparity in the world?
Why is there such an imbalance/
Why do we place more value on one country than the other?
How do we change/improve it?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

higher learning entrepreneurs

Some are taking advantage this sad state of economy by becoming entrepreneurs!
Here are some photos from those who came out to the self employment expo last weekend!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kids Off The Block Making a Difference!

Only Diane Latiker (Founder of KIDS OFF THE BLOCK) and the KOB'ers could put on an annual event and get Mayor Daley and local politicians and community supporters to come out and make a REAL Difference in the lives of our youth today!

Below are some of the photos! Had a great time hosting the event with my Brother of the Microphone CLiff Kelly WVON!

KOB Annual Fundraiser Dinner March 26th, 2010

It all took place at the Pullman Center
11141 S. Cottage Grove
with a live band, specialty catered gourmet food and lots of supporters who know the great work that Diane Latiker of KOB (KIDS OFF THE BLOCK) in the Roseland Community!

We Do Care! Don't believe the hype of the media!
Roseland Community Youth are worth saving!
We see possibilities where there are none!

This is why the Higher Learning Network has partnered with KOB in efforts to
save our children, and give them what they need.

We will also teach youth our speciality, behind-the-scenes Radio/TV/Print Production!

Yes, they will produce their own TV Shows, Videos, Write their own books, magazines and anything else they choose to do in media! HLN Media Group is proud to be the official Media partner with KOB!
Kudos to Ms. Diane Latiker!

Special Thanks to all the KOB supporters and Iesha Latiker!

Roseland Rocks!

and the band played on...

Evangelist Ruth Jackson and her sister welcoming guests

Evangelist Ruth Jackson..

Behind every good woman, is a good mother!
Evangelist Ruth Jackson, Diane's Mother, prays before the meal!

KOB Chairman speaks

Supporters of KOB

Mayor Daley Speaking in Support of KOB!

Mayor Daley knows a good organization when he sees one.
KOB has been making a difference in the Roseland Community since before it's incorporation in 2003!

Kudos to the Mayor for supporting today's youth!

Diane accepting award for KOB and Maror Daley

along with Jennie Betton, Member KOB and Representative from Park National/US BANK
on hand to assist with festivities!

Diane accepts flowers...

Dr.Frank Teaches Mothers How To Relieve Their Childrens Pain, Using Ancient Chinese Healing Methods