Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 empowerment seminar

Upgrade Your Life 2011!

January 3rd

10am - 2pm

American InterContinental University

130 S. Franklin St. Chicago

FREE! Open to public!

U-p-g-r-a-d-e Your Life!
(Like you do your cell phone)

We pay more attention to our electronic gadgets in our lives
than we do to the people, places and things that keep us stuck!

What issue needs to be resolved in your life?
Relationships, Finances,Under-Employment, Spirituality?

Whatever your challenge is, it is something that can be resolved
or at least get a handle on. This session allows you to examine the
possibilities of MOVING FORWARD and Upgrading Your Life
so that you can begin to experience life on a more joyful level!

Higher Learning Network,NFP offers proven methods and techniques
that will assist you in the process. The best part: it's FREE!

Your facilitator will be Shelomith Yisrael aka Zelda Robinson,
Intl. Speaker/Trainer/Author/Media Consultant.
You may know her from radio/tv/print (WJPC, WNUA, V103, WGCI, Gospel Radio 1390AM, CLTV Traffic, NOIR Woman News,
Higher Learning Network TV Show, etc.)

She's spoken around the world, and now she'll be training right here in Chicago!

Reserve your space for the

January. 3rd - 10am-2pm
Life Changing Session at

American Intercontinental University
130 S. Franklin St.,

Chicago! USA

You can come and be a part of this

ground breaking, life changing
session at the beginning,

or come on your lunch hour!

You will be welcomed!

Bring a friend and receive a gift!
Limit to first 40 registrations!

Raffle! Prizes! Free Tickets!

DVD's, CD's and more!
The only thing you need to bring is:
1. You
2. Pen/Paper
3. Open Mind!


Looking forward to the possibilities!
2011 is your year of leaven!




CREATE Your Own Job!

Using Your Natural God Given Gifts, Talents & Abilities!



Chicago - Sundays @ Midnight Channel 19

Wisconsin - Minnesota Channel 7

**Sundays Midnight Ch. 19 Chicago**

Sunday, December 19, 2010

electronic pick pockets


The season of giving and TAKING is here!
Electronic Pick Pocketing is the new technology that will leave you and
your credit card with a balance you cannot afford to pay!

Be sure and check out this video and share it with everyone you know!
Happy Holidays!,0,5636726,full.story

(Copy and paste in new window if it doesn't work when you click on it!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

higher learning 2011

Yes, it's ready! I know it's been a minute, but you can't rush God's work!
I've been working on other projects, but couldn't let the year end without
granting your wish! So here's N'Spirational Conversations (365 Days of Empowerment)
24/7 365! Make Great Gift year round!

Who reads N'Spirational Conversations?

Dr.Frank Teaches Mothers How To Relieve Their Childrens Pain, Using Ancient Chinese Healing Methods